
"Envelope Funds": An Easy Way to Budget Your Income, Without Depriving Yoursef

To many of us, budgeting feels like depriving ourselves of the things we want. Well, to some extent, yes, we can't always get what we want. But that doesn't mean that we won't be able to enjoy our money, and buy the things that we want from time to time. I believe that life it too short; I've learned that the hard way. So I believe in living each day at the present, live each day like it was my last. Well, that doesn't mean that we should splurge everything today, and forget about our future. I do believe in living the present moment, and enjoy every second of it.  But of course, I still  make it a point to plan for my future, and just hope that I would still enjoy the future.

I've learned from my mentor Bo Sanchez an easy way to budget your income is to divide your income and put it in different envelopes. It's a system he designed for his maids, yes for his katulong, but I think it works for everyone. He encourages everyone to use his system, his logic? If his maids can do it, why can’t we? His goal is to actually teach his maids to invest in the stock market, which I myself have started to do. I will share this as well on my next coming entries. In order to do that, he taught his maids on how to budget their salary, and to invest a part of it in the stock market.

Well, I don't literally withdraw my money from the bank, and put it in different envelopes, but if that would work for you, then go ahead. The idea is to divide your income to different "funds" and set an amount for each. Bo has designed the system to divide your income to five different funds:

  • First Envelope: Tithe Fund
  • Second Envelope: Expense Fund
  • Third Envelope: Support Fund
  • Fourth Envelope: Emergency Fund
  • Fifth Envelope: Retirement Fund

1.       Tithe Fund
As what I said in my first entry Giving Back, I believe that the secret to being rich is to give back. As advised by Bo, 10% is a great biblical guideline to follow, but it's not like mandatory. I admit that I myself don't follow that guideline, but I promise myself I would follow that once I got promoted. For now, I just set it to P600 by donating to World Vision monthly. For me, tithe doesn't necessarily mean donating to the church, I believe that it could be anything, as long as you're purpose is to help others. It could be any charity or donations, as long as you give back and remember that what you are receiving now is all a gift from God.

2.       Expense Fund
I think this is the most difficult to budget, since it's something that we most spend to. Your expenses would depend on how you live, whether you live in your own house, or rent a condo or apartment.  The idea is to manage your expenses based on necessity. Needs not Wants.

Since I still live with my parents, I have the comfort of living at home, and not worrying about monthly bills such as electricity, water, telephone, cable TV or internet. So I divide my expenses further to the following categories based on necessity:
Food and Transportation - This is the bulk of my expense since I have to eat at the office and commute to and from work. I had to eat lunch and dinner in the office, because of my work shift, so in order to save up, I usually bring cooked food from home for lunch. I try to limit my food budget to just P200 per meal, so that's like P1000 per week. 
 Toiletries and Vitamins- For my other needs such as toiletries and other food, I usually buy them in the supermarket once a month.  I just set my set grocery budget to P1500 a month, both for my vitamins and toiletries, and other food.
Travel and Leisure- I love to travel and go out, this is my way of relieving stress and blowing off some steam. I usually go out with friends, either Friday or Saturday night. I try to limit my expenses when going out to just P500, since we usually just watch a movie and have dinner. So I set my budget to P2000 a month. If I have time, I always go for longer vacations, either out of town, or out of the country trips. My ultimate dream is actually to travel around the world. I even have a different blog dedicated to it Posh but Cheap Travel. So I really try to travel in a tight budget, looking for seat sales for airfare, and just stay in hostels and guest houses for accommodation.
Clothing, Books and Others- This is the least of my priority at the moment, and the most difficult for me to be honest. I love clothes, and I am a shopaholic at times. But I do try to control myself of buying clothes, since I already have a lot that they all can't fit in my closet. So I do buy from time to time, just when there is a sale. I also love to read, so I try to buy one book a month, but right now I still have a stack of books that I haven't read yet so I'm also stopping. So if I have extra money, I usually just spend it for my travel and leisure.

3.       Support Fund
Since Bo designed this budget for his maids, the support funds refer to the money his maids send to their families back in their hometowns. This is their primary reason of working. I have translated this to the money I give to my mom every month as a share to the household expenses. I just give P2000 to my mom monthly, but I also promise myself that I will give more once I got promoted in work.

4.       Emergency Fund
Most finance mentors would say to set up an emergency fund. They say about 6 months worth of your salary is enough as emergency fund. From the word itself, it's for emergency, so you really can't spend it unless it's really a matter of life and death. Well to be honest, I have just like 3 to 4 months worth of emergency fund saved in my bank account. But I have set another emergency fund with my salary. Since  the company I'm working in has a cooperative, I availed their savings scheme which would automatically deduct a part of my payroll and put it in their money pool. Their interest rate is quite high, averaging at about 9% annually, so I choose it over saving my money in the bank. I can just get it anytime I want, so I set that as my emergency fund.

5.       Retirement Fund
The last and most important fund, is actually the retirement fund. I've tweaked it a little, and added another one which is my Business Fund . This is the fund that would be invested in the stock market. Bo advises his maids to invest in the stock market, so that when they retire, they would be millionaires. Yes, you heard it right, millionaires. Bo has also a different scheme in investing in the stock market with lesser risks, by investing regularly but  within a longer time frame. I would follow this scheme as well, and would share it to you guys in the future. I have invested in 2 different but similar schemes, the mutual funds and stock market, which I would divide as my Retirement Fund and  Business Fund.
I am just working for almost 2 years, and I know as early as now that I don't want to work in the corporate world as long as I live. I am planning to work until I'm just 30 something, after that ,I should be ready to retire and be my own boss. I actually have a far-fetched goal of becoming an entrepreneur at age 25, and I will be trying my best to achieve that goal. Of course, I wouldn't quit my job right at that moment, but hopefully I could have something part time. I'll share that to you as well, in the near future. And hopefully, I could call myself an entrepreneur by the time I'm 25. Wish me luck! :)



Having the "Rich" Mindset

I am rich and contented. Yes, I believe that. Repeat that 100 times a day.

The simplest and most important step to becoming rich, is believing you are rich.  I think all financial coach and mentors would say one way or the other, that in order to be rich, one must believe you have the capacity and you deserve to be rich. Even the video/book "The Secret" which became popular has just one message, that is you should believe that everything you want, you could achieve. Quoting Napoleon Hill,  "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve." 
 One of my most favorite proverbs from the Bible, which has now become my personal mantra  is " Everything is possible for him who believes" Mark 9:23 which I came across reading Success by Design by Dr. Peter Hirsch.  It's a self-help book about ten biblical secrets to help you achieve your god-given potential. It's a book given to me by my mom, which I can say has helped me a lot in figuring out things. Anyway, I will not dwell much on the book, but I do recommend it as a must-read for everyone. So back to believing, well no one can believe you but yourself. People can be judgmental at times, that at the end of the day, you only have yourself to rely on. So if you don't believe in yourself, who would right?

You also have to believe that you deserve to be happy and rich. Everyone has insecurities, and for many of us those insecurities inhibits us from doing what we want, and blinding ourselves of our own potential, and the resources available to us in our surroundings. For most of us, those millionaires and billionaires are so far high, that we can't reach them, and we are not worthy to be like them. We don't believe that we could be one of them. We feel that our dream of being like them is so far-fetched and stupid. So first step, is to believe that you could be like them. Imagine yourself as a CEO of your own company, living in your 3-storey mansion, driving a Lamborghini, traveling the world with your family, and of course having your own charitable institution.

My Dream House

My Dream Car

I know sometimes it could be difficult to convince yourself that everything is just right at your palm, and you could achieve anything. Well, to keep myself going, I always go back to one of the most beautiful messages I received from God Whispers of Bo Sanchez:

Dear Danica,
You have to believe that your dreams are already done, made completed. Achieved with victory parties and wild celebrations, already scheduled to congratulate you. And in due time, what you imagine will happen.
P.s. I'm attending the party, Danica. Haha

If I'm feeling down, I just reread this message, and I feel rejuvenated once again. It’s just a nice feeling that someone is right at your back, patting you, and rooting for you. And I think that's what this message is all about. If sometimes, no one believes you, even you yourself can't believe your own dreams, always remember that God will be there believing in you.

May all our dreams come true. 


Giving Back

I believe that the secret to becoming financially free is having the right purpose. Imagine you have $1,000,000, how would you spend it? I bet first thing that would pop in our mind is to buy our dream house, a sports car, the most hi-tech gadgets, and travel around the world.  I would be a hypocrite if I say I don’t want those things as well. I do, I want those things so bad. Haha. But I learned from 2 of my mentors, my mom and Bo Sanchez, that having the right reasons to be rich is the first and foremost the most important thing. You need to have a reason bigger than yourself, and more important than material possessions.

My mom is one of the persons I most looked up to. She raised us well, and thought us to give back to the church and community. I remember ever since I was a kid that my mom would ask a share from us siblings when we donate to charitable institutions such as orphanage or home for the aged during Christmas.  This taught me not only how to share my blessings to others, but on how to save up as well. Of course, I would have to save up a part of my allowance so that come Christmas I would have something to donate.

I also learned from one of financial coach, Bo Sanchez, that's it's ok to want to be rich. That's what I love the most about Bo Sanchez, he's not some other hypocrite preacher who says money is the root of all evil. He is a preacher, but a businessman as well. He learned the hard way that it's ok to be rich as long as you don't let money get the best of you. It's ok to be rich, as long as you don't let money be your boss. He realize that in order to fulfill his dreams to help others and serve the poor, he needs money.

Personally, I believe it's good karma too. And so my first step to my journey to financial freedom is donating to  World Vision. World Vision is a charitable organization that helps needy kids in far-flung areas to study. With just P600 per month, I am  already helping send a child to school.  Why did I choose this organization? Well, for one, I have always been fond of kids. Just observing and looking at kids can bring me so much happiness. They are very innocent and they are very appreciative of even the smallest things. Secondly, because I know that they are just victims of poverty and it would be so unfair for them if they can't fulfill their dreams just because the adults around them can't fend for them. They have so much potential ahead of them.  As most people would say, they are the future of generations. 

Future of our Generation

I just started donating this May, and I would probably continue donating my entire lifetime.  So far, this has been a very fulfilling and rewarding experience. Just recently, I receive an annual report from the child I am sponsoring. He shared some personal information about himself, his likes and dislikes, his dreams, and even drew some pictures for me. I was really happy to receive that letter, as it reminds me that there are more serious problems around me, and there's more people that need help. It keeps me grounded, and reminded me that happiness could be found on even the simplest things.

For people who want to be financially free, take the first step by giving back to the community by donating to charitable institution such as the World Vision. For further information, visit their site at

"He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done." Proverbs 19:17